If You Don’t Have Money to Pay Your Taxes, You Have Legitimate Options
If You Don’t Have Money to Pay Your Taxes, You Have Legitimate Options

If you don't have money to pay your taxes, you have a few options to work with. Whatever you do, don’t ignore the letters from the IRS…

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Is it Bad to Settle With the IRS?
Is it Bad to Settle With the IRS?

You may have heard on the radio, TV, and online, that you can settle your tax bill for less than what you owe. But are these claims…

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Do You Owe Back Taxes? Why You Should Stop Panicking & Start Planning
Do You Owe Back Taxes? Why You Should Stop Panicking & Start Planning

If you owe back taxes to the IRS, some amount of panic is understandable. After all, the Internal Revenue Service has the power of the…

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7 Reasons to Work with a Tax Resolution Professional To Resolve Your Back Taxes
7 Reasons to Work with a Tax Resolution Professional To Resolve Your Back Taxes

When you owe money to the IRS, it is hard to think about anything else. While being in debt is never fun, no matter who the creditor…

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Owe Money to the IRS Use These Money Saving Tips Before You File
Owe Money to the IRS? Use These IRS Money Saving Tips Before You File

Tax time is not fun, but reaching the end and finding you owe money is even worse. If the results of your tax preparation activities…

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Gig Workers and the IRS 3 Steps to Tax Filing Success
Gig Workers and the IRS: 3 Steps to Tax Filing Success

If you are a member of the gig economy, especially if you are just starting out, you may have some questions about gig worker taxes…

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Common Tax Relief Programs the IRS Offers

The old saying that nothing is certain in life except death and taxes has never been truer, or more frightening. In the current…

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What Can the IRS Do to Collect Back Taxes?

Opening the mailbox and finding a letter from the IRS is frightening, but what happens next can be even scarier. The tax agency wields…

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Avoid the April 15 Blues – Take a Step-by-Step Approach to Your Taxes This Year

When it comes to doing your taxes this year, it is no wonder so many Americans dread the April 15 tax filing deadline. The U.S. tax…

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Ready to be pulled to safety?
Grab the lifeline and let's get you the freedom from tax debt you deserve!